Totally worth it!

“My love for anything that’s rustic yet beautiful often takes me to places less ventured. This time I chose Mukteshwar, and chose a ‘homestay’ run by Puran Singhji and his wife in a small hamlet called ‘Sunkiya’ near Mukteshwar …totally worth it! Welcomed by clean air and blue sky ..simple clean rooms… good healthy food with veggies straight out of their garden… basking in the sun with a great view overlooking acres of terraced fields. They have cows too which means that we got milk, ghee and curd rite from the source. Puran Singhji & ‘didi’ as I called his wife were great hosts in their own simple way. It’s a pet friendly home, even my four legged child queen was much at ease and looked like she was home. Highly recommended.”

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