7 Simple Tips for Eco-Travellers to make Big Impact

World Earth Day is an annual celebration that raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations. While every day is a day to be kind to the planet, April 22 is Earth Day—a time to show appreciation and get into habits to make your life and your travels more sustainable. Making conscious efforts towards a greener environment would make your travels productive. Here are some simple tips to make your holidays sustainable.

#1. Reduce Carbon Emission

Reduce Carbon Emission

Find transportation alternatives that help reduce your carbon footprint. Using public transport or sharing a car with other travellers is the best way to do that. The fewer the cars are on the road, the less are the carbon emissions polluting the air and contributing to global warming. To explore the place use by-cycle or walk wherever and whenever you can.

#2. Use Resources Judiciously

Use Resources Judicially

Most of us are aware of the importance of preserving water and electricity, but the moment we step out of our homes and get into holiday mood and forget all about it. But always remember every place on this planet is our home. So next time when you are leaving that fan on in a homestay, remember, you are wasting precious resource of your own home – EARTH.

#3. Say No to Plastic 

Say No to Plastic

Swap single use plastic bags with reusable cloth bags; do not buyg packaged plastic water bottles during your travels but carry a water bottle that you can refill with drinking water at your homestay. Using sustainable products can go a long way to help the planet.

#4. Go Local


Living with local people, eating local food and buying local handicrafts not only helps you explore the place better but also boosts the local economy. Better economy means better living conditions for residents. This also helps preserve the culture and heritage of the place. You can also sit with old people from the area and get some local knowledge.

#5. Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace

A very simple thing but still we find people throwing empty plastic bags, bottles, wrappers etc on the road, or on walking trails. I heard you saying, we never do that. That’s perfect! Then start collecting them when you go on hikes and bring them back. Teach these people some good habits.

#6. Take Time to Volunteer

Guests-Himalayan Canvas Homestay-Kasar Devi

Did you hear the new buzz word – “Regenerative Travel”? It means going beyond leaving no trace to, in fact, leave a place better than how it was found. There are programs that invite travellers to join mountain/beach cleanups, tree planting, teaching kids etc. Find such activities in the place you are visiting and participate in them. If there are no such organisations, take initiative to do it yourself.

#7. Introduce Your Kids to Simple Living

Bathroom Area 2_Sunkiya-Homestay-Mukteshwar

Its never too early for kids to learn to live in harmony with nature. Take kids on a holiday to places with ample nature, make them understand the importance conservation and teach them ways of preserving natural resources. Take them on easy nature trails, show them local vegetation and wildlife and let them engage with natural materials.  Plant some trees with them or do gardening and other farm activities.

Do help us add to this list by mentioning in comments what do you do to make your travels regenerative?

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