Vocal for Local – A Call to Action

When the world economy has been devastated by the outbreak of Covid-19, “Vocal for Local” has emerged as a strong expression of patriotism. The pandemic has made us realize the need of being self-reliant. That’s the only way to rebuild our nation just as we do after a deadly war.

Help Local Economy

When the lockdown is lifted, it will be a time for us to ‘be local and buy local’. We have managed to stay locked for weeks and learn to survive on basic facilities; we can easily do without Starbucks, Pepsi, Domino’s or Amazon. Even they can do without us. They did and they will survive. But what about the local kirana and vegetable shop, dosa corner or handicraft artisans? They will certainly need us to survive.

Support Domestic Tourism

Next best thing we must do is support domestic tourism. Many of us make foreign trips with family or friends as an annual ritual. Many of us have visited the most exotic places of the world. But do you think India is less captivating? You know you are wrong. India is what you want it to be. If you like history, India has plenty of forts, palaces, battlefields and monuments. If you love beaches there are enough of those to satisfy the most avid sun worshiper. If adventure is your thing then head for the Himalayas to trek, to drive or to climb. But you cannot simply see it, you have to experience it. 

Homestay – The Origin of Shared Economy

The best way to experience India is to stay with locals. While staying at a homestay, you get to experience their life, culture & traditions and share their food. It’s not true that homestays are always a cheap and best option to stay. They are available to fit every budget. You can easily find a budget homestay suitable for a backpacker, nature lover or a seasoned traveler. At the same time you can find a heritage house to suit an elite customer. 

Make sure you plan at least two domestic trips for the next few years. It will help our domestic tourism and local economy immensely. When you pay for a homestay, you not only buy food and stay, you buy hope for the entire family. Let your money go to people who truly need it to survive. It will be our biggest contribution we can ever make to build our nation.

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  • Anushri says:

    Hi. Is there any homestay in Himachal or uttarakhand open during this corona time? I am from Maharashtra and have got Work from home facility. Is there any chance of getting permission in a homestay at reasonable price for 1 month.
    I can work on my laptop and on weekends, either I can take part in any local volunteer program or hikes.

  • Aj Raina says:

    Absolutely apt and the only way forward

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